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Shabbos Drashos - 5774

Adam Ki Yakriv - The Preface to Vayikra

Tzav- I / Zachor

Shmini / Para - I
The Two Types of Defilement

Shmini / Para - II
Various topics from the Sedra

Shmini / Para - III
More topics from the Sedra

Tazria / HaChodesh - I
The Mouth and Perfection

Tazria / HaChodesh - II
The Seder and Tazria/Hachodesh

Metzora - I
The Roots of Loshon Hara

Metzora - II
Various topics from the Sedra

Kedoshim - I
Counting the Omer as Preparation for Shavouos

Emor - I
The Concept of Accumulation and Sefiras Haomer

Behar - I
The Details and Generalities of Mitzvos

Behar - II
Various topics from the Sedra

Behar - III
More various topics from the Sedra

Bechukosai - I
Toiling in Torah

Bechukosai - II
Various topics from the Sedra

Bechukosai - III
More various topics from the Sedra

Shabbos Drashos - 5773

Stolen sacrifices

Various topics from the Parsha

More various topics from the Parsha

Tzav/Shabbos Hagadol-I
The Importance of Preparation

The Sin of Nadav and Avihu

Topics from the Parsha, Sefiras Haomer - the Cumulative Effect

Tzaar Gidul Banim

Topics from the Parsha

More topics from the Parsha

Acharei Mos-Kedoshim-I
The Essence of Kedusha

Acharei Mos-Kedoshim-II
Topics from the Parsha

Acharei Mos-Kedoshim-III
More topics from the Parsha

Topics from the Parsha

Toiling in Torah

Topics from the Parsha

Shabbos Drashos - 5771

Korbanos and Love of Hashem

Various topics from the Parsha

Various topics from the Parsha

Tzav I
Parshas Tzav / Parshas Zachor / Purim

Shmini I
Kashrus, Parah Aduma and The Sin of Nadav & Avihu

Shmini II
Topics from Shmini and a Post-Purim Perspective

Shmini III
More Topics from Shmin, The Sin of Nadav & Avihu

Tazria I (Hachodesh)
Freedom and Time Control

Tazria II
Two Types of Yisurim

Tazria III
Topics from Tazria

Metzora I
The Three Roots of Lashon Hara

Metzora II
Topics from Metzora

Acharei Mos / Shabbos Hagadol
The Individual and Communal Covenants

Kedoshim I
The Two All-Encompassing Mitzvos

Emor I
Forgetting Shavuous

Emor II
Ideas Behind Sefiras Haomer

Emor III
Sefiras Haomer and Mourning the Talmidim of Rebbi Akiva

Behar I
The Connections Between Sefiras Haomer and Shmita & Yovel

Behar II
Topics from Behar

Bechukosai I
Connecting with Hashem Yisborach

Bechukosai II
Topics from Bechukosai

Bechukosai III
More topics from Bechukosai

Bechukosai IV
Still more topics from Bechukosai

Shabbos Drashos - 5770

The Concept of Sacrifices and Prayer, and the Passover Sacrifice

Tzav / Shabbos Hagadol
Zrizus - Motivation

Bringing Hashem's Presence Into Our Midst / Sefiras HaOmer

Tazria-Metzora I
Graduated Sin & Merit / Various topics from the Sedra

Tazria-Metzora II
More various topics from the Sedra

Tazria-Metzora III
Still more various topics from the Sedra

Acharei Mos-Kedoshim I
Kavod HaTorah - The Importance of Torah

Acharei Mos-Kedoshim II
Various topics from the Sedra

Emor I
Sefiras Haomer and The Three Shabbasos

Emor / Sefiras Haomer / Bechukosai
Striving Towards Perfection

Shabbos Drashos - 5769

Da'as And Tahara as a Preface to Torah (12 minutes)

Tzav / Shabbos Hagadol
The Three Types of Preparation (12 minutes)

Shabbos Chol Hamoed Pesach
The Ongoing Geula (Redemption) (53 minutes)

Shabbos Chol Hamoed Pesach
Torah & Nature - Paths to Hashem (19 minutes)

Nadav & Avihu - Love and Respect (54 minutes)

Tazria - Metzora
The Purpose of Yisurim, Various topics from the Parsha (36 minutes)

Acharei Mos - Kedoshim
Holier Than Thou (22 minutes)

The Essence of Kehuna (31 minutes)

Behar - Bechukosai
The Generalities and Specifics of Torah (8 minutes)

Shabbos Drashos - 5768

(5 minutes)

Tzav-Shushan Purim
The Importance of Doing Mitzvos with a Full Heart and With Joy
(4 minutes)

The Death of Tzaddikim as an Atonement for the Sins of the Generation
(27 minutes)

Man and the Animal - Creation and Torah
(11 minutes)

The Two Kaparos (Atonements) of Tzara'as (leprosy)
(13 minutes)

Acharei Mos

The Process of Geula (redemption)
(44 minutes)

The Significance of Sefiras HaOmer
(35 minutes)

Shabbos Drashos - 5767

Daas and Tahara as a Prelude to Kedusha and Korbanos
(11 minutes)

The Development of Yetzias Mitzrayim
(39 minutes)

Connections between Birth and Loshon Hara - The Value Worth of Money - The Causes of Loshon Hara
(48 minutes)

Constancy and Consistency
(22 minutes)

Toiling in Torah and not Stagnating
(31 minutes)

Shabbos Drashos - 5765
Lessons in Our Relationship with G-d

(37 minutes)

Facing the Concept of Death
(26 minutes)

The Concept of Lashon Hara - Kashering our Mouths for Pesach
(17 minutes)

V'Ahavta L'Reyacha K'Mocha - The Connection between Loving our Neighbors as Ourselves and The Counting of the Omer
(58 minutes)

Shabbos Drashos - 5764
Exploring a Mitzvah from the Parsha
Shabbos Drashos - 5763
Parsha & Haftara Connections