Rabbi Leff Audio Online Homepage



Shabbos Drasha - 5774

Bamidbar I
Torah is for the World to Come

Bamidbar II
Topics from Bamidbar

Bamidbar III
Topics from Bamidbar and Shavuous

Naso I
Shalom and Torah

Shelach II
Topics from Shlach

Korach I
Anatomy of a Machlokes

Chukas I
Drosha for Chukas

Chukas II
Topics from Chukas

Chukas III
More topics from Chukas

Balak II
Topics from Balak

Balak III
More topics from Balak

Pinchas I
Nekama & Kanaus (Revenge & Zeal)

Pinchas II
Topics from Pinchas

Pinchas III
More topics from Pinchas

Matos I
Torah Framework

Matos II
Topics from Matos

Matos III
More topics from Matos

Masei I
Drasha for Masei

Shabbos Drasha - 5773

Bamidbar I
The Three Kedushas

Bamidbar II
Topics from Bamidbar

Naso I
The True Essence of a Bracha

Naso II
Topics from Naso

Behaaloscha I
Torah Kavua

Behaaloscha II
Topics from Behaaloscha

Behaaloscha III
More topics from Behaaloscha

Shelach II
Topics from Shelach

Balak I
The Evil Eye - Don't Be Too Critical

Pinchas I
Drasha for Pinchas

Pinchas II
Kiruv and the Importance of the Tzibbur

Matos-Masei I
The Three Haftaros of Misfortune

Shabbos Drasha - 5771

Bamidbar I
Conformity and Individuality in Torah Observance

Bamidbar II
Topics from Bamidbar

Bamidbar III
More topics from Bamidbar

Naso I
Preserving and Promoting the Purpose of the Mishkan

Naso II
Topics from Naso

Naso III
Birkas Cohanim / More topics from Naso

Beha'aloscha I
Conforming to Hashem's Framework

Shelach I
Drasha for Shlach

Shelach II
Topics from Shlach

Korach I
Machlokes, Kehuna and Ketores

Korach II
Topics from Korach

Chukas I
A Perspective on Death

Chukas II
Topics from Chukas

Balak I
Drasha for Balak

Balak II
Topics from Balak

Balak III
More topics from Balak

Pinchas I
Drasha for Pinchas

Pinchas II
Topics from Balak

Matos I
Drasha for Matos - Priorities

Matos II
Topics from Matos

Matos III
More topics from Matos

Masei I

Masei II
Topics from Masei and a Perspective on Tisha B'av

Shabbos Drasha - 5770

Torah - Fire, Water and Desert

Post Shuvous

Beha'aloscha I
Changed Attitude - Changed History

Beha'aloscha II
Various Topics from Beha'aloscha

Shelach I
Drasha for Parshas Shelach

Shelach II
Various Topics from Shlach

Korach I
Drasha for Parshas Korach

Korach II
Various Topics from Korach

Korach III
More various Topics from Korach

Korach IV
Still more various Topics from Korach

Chukas I
The Sin of Mei Meriva

Chukas II
Various Topics from Chukas

Chukas III
More various Topics from Chukas

Chukas IV
Still more various Topics from Chukas

Balak I
No Paragraphs

Balak II
Various Topics from Balak

Pinchas I
Drasha for Pinchas

Matos-Masei I
Journeys of History & Life

Matos-Masei II
Topics from Matos-Masei

Shabbos Drasha - 5769

Bamidbar - Shavuous
Torah - Fire, Water and Desert

Torah Transformation

True Peace

Beha'aloscha I
Set Times for Torah

Beha'aloscha II
Remembering Miriam / Consistency

Beha'aloscha III
Torah is an Opportunity - Not a Burden

Beha'aloscha IV
Separation of the Levi'im

Shelach I
The Prohibition of Maligning Eretz Yisrael

Shelach II
Various Selections from Seder Shelach

Shelach III
The Sin of the Spies

Korach I
Divinely Ordained Roles

Korach II
Various Selections from Seder Korach

Mei Meriva (The Waters of Discord)

Bakak I
3 Whacks, 3 Blessings & 3 Regalim

Balak II
Various Selections from Seder Balak

Balak III
Learning to Think from the Torah's Typography

Balak IV
Bilaam & His Donkey and the Essence of the Jewish People

Balak V

Pinchas I
Leadership, Zealousness and the 17th of Tammuz

Pinchas II
Selections of Topics from Sedra Pinchas and the Three Weeks

Matos-Masei I
Drasha for Matos-Masei

Matos-Masei II
Various Selections from Matos-Masei

Matos-Masei III
More Various Selections from Matos-Masei

Shabbos Drasha - 5768

Bamidbar - Nasso - Shavuous
Shalom - The Prerequisite and Goal of Torah

Shalom & Emes

Desires & Complaints

Testing the Desirability of the Land of Israel

Korach 1
The Essence of Korach's Sin - Separation from the Community

Korach 2
Clarifying Korach's Sin

Cheshbon Hanefesh

The Three Festivals and the Essence of Klal Yisrael

The Qualities of a Leader


The Essence of Eretz Yisrael

Shabbos Drasha - 5767

Fire, water and desert - mediums through which to recieve the Torah

Individuality and conformity in Torah living

The ramifications of fleeing Har Sinai

Understanding the sin of the Meraglim (spies)

Learning from Korach why people sometimes can't get along and cooperate

The Reward of Pinchas

Feeling Settled in this World

Shabbos Drasha - 5766



The Role of the Levi'im in Judaism (37 min.)

Atoning for the Sin of the Spies (69 min.)

Avoiding Machlokes - Conflict (41 min.)

Encouraging People to Improve by Addressing their Potential - Learning From the Sin that Prevented Moshe Rabbeinu from Entering Eretz Yisrael
(46 min.)

Learning Achdus (unity) from Bilam's "curse" (Mah Tovu Ohalecha Ya'akov...)
(41 min.)

The Meaning of the Daily Sacrifice
(8 min.)


Shabbos Drasha - 5762
Exploring a Mitzvah
from the Parsha
Shabbos Drasha - 5763
Parsha & Haftara Connections
Shabbos Drasha - 5764
Exploring a Mitzvah from the Parsha
Shabbos Drasha - 5765
Exploring a Mitzvah from the Parsha




(25 minutes)

(43 minutes)

(33 minutes)

(10:45 minutes)

(25 minutes)

(29 minutes)